In my life, I've witnessed several iterations of Batman dating from the Adam West era — when I was a teenager, Adam West and the futuristic Batmobile appeared in my home town and I attended. (Not having been a Batman fan, I can't explain why I was there, but I well remember being close enough to touch the Batmobile ... here's a drawing of it.)

When I viewed Batman Begins, I became a fan at last. With Batman Begins, Christian Bale brought to the role a triumphant pathos, complex and compelling. Since that first viewing, I've watched the film several times. Whether it was just a fine script (along with Christopher Nolan's directorial vision and skill) or Bale's portrayal or a combination of the two, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

If you watch films just to be entertained, The Dark Knight doesn't disappoint. If, like me, you enjoy films that offer more than transitory entertainment, The Dark Knight provides food for thought and discussion. In addition to a fun ride, Nolan gives us believable characters who are trying to decide what it means to be human. I will be among those eagerly awaiting the next installment.