The Palin announcement definitely boosted my confidence in John McCain's candidacy! I won't belabor this column with details of Palin's biography. That information is plentiful elsewhere, and while there will be myriad detractors (especially given her outspoken and strong pro-life stance), I'm excited in what she brings to the campaign, and after the November election, how she will enhance the office of Vice President.
Then news sources began churning with rumors of Bristol Palin's pregnancy. I read the reports and my mind hearkened back some seventeen years when my own daughter (16 years old at the time) revealed she was pregnant with our first grandchild. No, thankfully I wasn't a sitting governor nor a presumptive Republican nominee for Vice President, but no parent is eager to hear the words "Mom, Dad, I'm pregnant."
Having heard those words myself, I understand the impact on a family. One mom to another, one grandmother to another, I know the depth of potential turmoils and anguish Sarah Palin and her husband Todd must now attempt to make sense of as they assist daughter Bristol in navigating a redirected future. What they face is a trade-off of certain aspirations and dreams for the embrace of other hopes and possibilities.
It is so refreshing to reflect on the contrast of Sarah Palin's affirmation of Bristol in her news release confirming her daughter's pregnancy and Barack Obama's proposed approach to an unplanned pregnancy! On one hand, Palin unequivocally welcomes this new life. On the other, Obama (whose own parents were unmarried at the time of his conception) appears to believe being pregnant while unmarried is, in fact, "being punished with a baby."
So, bravo to and God's blessings on Sarah Palin! She is a true celebrator of LIFE, and I applaud her and her family as they deal with life issues in a candid and wholly normal manner. What a breath of fresh air in the stagnant world of politics!